Hydratec Inc.

Revit Based Cards

Total: 187


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-1136) Installation (Revit Based) Addin Assistant None Unhandled Exception

Unhandled exception... Access to the path '..:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Revit\AddIns\2020\HCAD_Revit_CALC_2020.addin' is denied. 

View (card-1091) Installation (Revit Based) None None None

Greyed out options in the Addin Assistant and ribbons do not appear in Revit

View (card-985) Installation (Revit Based) None None 1:

During the install, you get a similar message to this;

View (card-1205) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Fab View None None

No error... but the view shows up in the project browser but quickly disappears after and cannot be accessed. 

View (card-1154) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Auto Stocklist None None

When the stocklist is finished, it shows the main as one long & continuous pipe, and not segmented by couplings, etc. 

Main A is too long. 

View (card-1138) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Auto Stocklist None Command Failure For External Command

Revit could not complete the external command... System.NullReferenceException

View (card-1121) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Auto Stocklist None Command Failure For External Command

This error appears immediately when trying to run Auto Stocklist, the dialog box never appears. 

Revit could not complete the external command... System.NullReferenceException

View (card-1075) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Tag Setup Ok None

ERROR: No fittings were found on the selected pipe

View (card-1045) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Auto Stocklist None Windows Error

Error message AutoList.exe has stopped working at this point in the AutoList process.  


View (card-1040) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Auto Stocklist None Command Failure For External Command

Command Failure for External Command... System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set
to an instance of an object
