Hydratec Inc.

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Revit Based HydraLIST (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Auto Stocklist


Yellow part numbers that do not list once you return to Revit



Unrecognized / missing part number.

Revit understands and recognizes that the PN / Part number exists, but the HydraList standalone application is missing the file information.


Parts can be imported into HydraList, please follow the steps below on how to achieve this.

In this case, our missing number is 26F3000012

Copy that number down and search your C:\HES\Hydlist\VER50\Data folder to see if the file is saved locally and not imported correctly.
To do this, navigate to that folder and copy and paste into the search prompt in the top left.

If a file was found, skip to the ‘Inside HydraLIST’ section.
If it shows no results, continue following the steps below.

Go to Hydratec’s website and select sign-in (alternatively, follow this link: https://hydratecinc.com/user/sign-in)

Click the blue box that says “Sharefile Sign In” 

Login to your Sharefile user account.
Once signed in, under Folders > Shared Folders, select the folders Customer Fulfillment, then HydraLIST

At the top of the screen, check the box that says, “Search in HydraLIST” and enter your part number. In this example, our missing part number of 26F3000012 was found.

Click that file and select the option for Download on the right side of the screen.

Locate the file and place it in: C:\HES\Hydlist\VER50\Data\Import_Export

It is recommended that you make an Update folder, similar to above, and place it in there for organization’s sake.

Inside HydraLIST:

Open HydraLIST again, and go to the View tab and select Switch View

In the new window with the empty part number table, locate the Import Data button. Click it and find the update file you just downloaded. 

After its imported, make sure your part number is in the table. Here is ours, 26F3000012

Once finished, similar to where the Import Data button was, select Save Spread Sheet

Your part number should now be imported. 

Note: If the part numbers still appear yellow, change the tab and re-enter Miscellaneous to refresh. It should appear white now. 

If you follow these steps and your part number wasn't found in either folder, please contact support at RevitSupport@HydraCAD.com for further assistance.

Updated: Jan. 8, 2025, 1:26 p.m. Created: Oct. 31, 2024, 8:04 a.m.