Hydratec Inc.

Revit Based (Hydracad)

Total: 103


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Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-1068) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Hangers Dialog Box None

Hanger Assembly dropdown list is incomplete. 

View (card-1065) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Couplings Add Couplings Command Failure For External Command

Command Failure for External Command... System.OutOfMemoryException

View (card-1064) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Couplings Add Couplings Command Failure For External Command

Command Failure for External Command... System.NullReferenceException

View (card-1063) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Add Device None Command Failure For External Command

Command failure for external command ... System.IO.FileNotFoundException ... File name 'AWSSDK'

View (card-1050) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Couplings Add Couplings None

Couplings get closer than expected to outlets when cutting in. 

View (card-1043) HydraCAD (Revit Based) None None None

No error, fittings and pipes have gaps in Medium and Coarse detail levels. 

View (card-1042) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Insert Pump None Command Failure For External Command

Command Failure for External Command... ...System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException

View (card-1041) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Import from the latest Toolbox None None

No error, but when pressing the toolbox button the file explorer opens up. 

View (card-1038) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Configure Head Change Configuration Command Failure For External Command

Command Failure for External Command... ....System.Exception: No routing preference set for...

View (card-1030) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Add Device Select Revit Could Not Complete The External Command.

Command failure for External Command... Revit could not complete the external command
