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Revit Based HydraCAD (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)
After using the Spacing and Layout tool, the pipes and sprinklers are modeled but are not connected properly to each other.
There is a setting in the Spacing and Layout Hamberger / 3 bar menu that specifies the intended result, and also the one you're (likely) looking for...
If Insert All Pipes is not checked and Insert Branchline is checked, then, the result will include Sprinklers and one Branch Line pipe with none connected to each other.
This can be particularly useful on sloped branch lines where additional sprinkler relocation is anticipated.
However, in this case, if that wasn't your intended purpose in selecting that option, then redo the Spacing and Layout operation with the Insert All Pipes option checked.
Or, continue with the result and use the Configure Head button to connect the Sprinklers into the Lines.
If you need help following this solution, there is a video you can refer to here: