Hydratec Inc.

Security and Licensing (Hydrakey)

Total: 64


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-932) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) None None Security Error

Server Replied:
No matching serial number was found in the database


Server Replied:


View (card-863) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) None Open Failed Call To Server: Unable To Find An Entry Point Named 'Checkcodein' In Dll 'Hydexvb3.Dll'.

View (card-860) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) None Open 102: Error Reading Entry Point


View (card-839) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Add New Authorization None Failed Call To Server

A failure to call the Hydratec security server occured. 


Hydratec Security Error

FAILED CALL TO SERVER (to Activate): Could not parse request body into json.

