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Security and Licensing HydraKEY (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Update Version Permissions


Update Version Permissions Failed to get Hydraversion Install.




You were unable to download the Install for HydraVersion.


-Check with you network administrator if you think that the download is being blocked by virus scanner or firewall.

-Try again at a later time in case the link is temporarily down.

-It is trying to download from aws s3 via your default browser.  Perhaps your browser settings are very restricive.  Try setting a different browser to be your default and try again, or load the following link into a different browser:   https://hydrakey-public.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/HydraVERSION+Install.exe

-If you are being blocked by security on your network or machine, let you administrator know:

·  Allowlist *amazonaws.com. In other words, allowlist all domains that end with .amazonaws.com. We call their servers to check HydraKey version as well as activate, renew and transfer our authorizations.

  • If you're unable to allowlist *amazonaws.com, you can allowlist our specific calls: 
    • s3-r-w.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
    • us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com

-These calls are made on the dynamic secondary ports.  These are randomly assigned ports within the following range:   5001 - 65500

-To test if your firewall or some network condition is blocking the call, try connecting your computer to a different wifi network (like a hotspot on your phone) then try opening HydraKey and running the command again. If it still doesn't work, then the problem is likely some software running on windows, or windows defender firewall.

-To test if some software on your machine is blocking you, try opening a browser and going to following address: https://hydrakey-public.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/HydraKEY_Current_Versions_Comparison_File.txt

It should looks something like this (the numbers may be different, but that's alright):

If you see these words with some numbers after, but opening Hydrakey gives a "Cannot get latest HydraKEY update information!"  Error,  then some software on your computer is specifically stopping calls to the internet by HydraKey.exe and HydraLicenseUpdater.exe but allowing your browser to go to the exact same link without a problem.  You are looking for virus scanners and firewalls in which to change settings.

Sometimes upgrading from windows 10 to windows 11 can fix this issue.

-HydraKEY Version 2022.04.17 and previous use the Server Certificate TLS 1.0 to communicate with the AWS server.  Later versions of HydraKEY will use TLS 1.2.   If you are on version 2022.04.17 or before and your administrator has set up your network to restrict TLS 1.0 / SSL communication, it will cause this error.

Updated: March 21, 2023, 5:22 p.m. Created: Sept. 28, 2021, 4:26 p.m.