Hydratec Inc.

Revit Based Cards

Total: 190


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Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-989) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Help F1 Xoauth_Problem=Token_Rejected

Error: xoauth_problem=token_rejected when pressing F1 for help on buttons in any Hydratec for Revit ribbon. 

View (card-988) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Spacing and Layout None None

No error, but the command takes a long time to start. 

View (card-980) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Add Device Select Revit Could Not Complete The External Command.

View (card-977) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Couplings Add Couplings None

No error, but couplings do not show up in the project in Medium or Coarse detail. 

View (card-966) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Import from the latest Toolbox None None

The toolbox install dialog doesn’t show up...  it just it takes us to a bunch of updates on the Hydratec website...

View (card-962) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Spacing and Layout Insert Sprinklers Revit Could Not Complete The External Command.

Revit could not complete the external command.     System.NullReferenceException

View (card-960) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Add Device Select Revit Could Not Complete The External Command.

Revit could not complete the external command.      System.IO.FileNotFoundException

View (card-959) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Spacing and Layout None Command Failure For External Command

Revit could not complete the external command.      Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.ArgumentException

View (card-949) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Add Device Opening Message Box

Generic Model template not found. Please select it.

View (card-947) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Help Import From The Latest Toolbox Revit Could Not Complete The External Command.

Revit could not complete external command.    Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.CorruptModelException
