Hydratec Inc.

Security and Licensing Cards

Total: 82


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Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-1220) Installation (Security and Licensing) None None Error 1500

When attempting to run the HydraKEY install, the install fails to run with Error 1500.  Two instances of the install appear in the task manager.  Neither completes succesfully.  Killing one of them closes them both.

View (card-1082) Installation (Security and Licensing) None None Error Writing

While Running the HydraKey or HydraVersion Install, you recieve Error 1310.

View (card-1275) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Log Out (Subscription) None None

Unable to contact our servers to Log you out. Your subscriptions are still intact on this machine. It is neccessary to contact the server to release your subscriptions for use elsewhere.

View (card-1264) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Refresh HydraKEY Info Button None None

Error Getting Available Subscriptions during refresh or while repopulating the HydraKEY dialogue.

View (card-1260) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Opening None Failed To Launch

When trying to open HydraKEY, you see the spash screen, but it eventually times out and the application does not open

View (card-1257) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Using None Security Error

Failure to make conversion for Subscription.(1)

View (card-1256) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Using None Security Error

There is an issue with your Subscription ID.(1)

View (card-1255) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Using None Security Error

There was a failure to find or convert the subscription Id. (5)

View (card-1254) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Using None Security Error

There was a failure to find or convert the subscription Id. (4)
