Hydratec Inc.

Security and Licensing (Hydrakey)

Total: 64


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Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-1010) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Add New Authorization None Security Error

The Lock Code '' is not properly formatted. Ensure this is the code received from Hydratec in response to the above 'Lock Extension Number'.

View (card-1009) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Add New Authorization None Security Error

The Activation Code 'xxxxxxx' is not properly formatted. Ensure that it matches the activation code provided by Hydratec in a recent email.

View (card-1008) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) None None Security Error

Failed to open Hydrakey.

View (card-1007) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Using None Security Error

Cannot get latest Hydrakey update information.

View (card-1006) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Transfer None Security Error

No Transfer file found. You must transfer your Long term authorization at least once on the local machine in order to have a transfer file.

View (card-1005) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Renew None Security Error

Error Opening Hydratec Long Term Authorization Renewal Utility.

View (card-1004) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Terminate None Security Error

There is Currently no Temporary Software Authorization.

View (card-1003) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) None None Security Error

View (card-1002) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Help None Security Error

View (card-1001) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) UPDATE None Security Error

Update Button Failed to get HydraKey Install.

