Hydratec Inc.

AutoCAD Based (Listing)

Total: 60


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-152) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

drops/sprigs do not get listed none

View (card-151) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

No error , main tagged as welded fab gets listed as threaded material with an Auto Line Number inserted at a riser nipple where the main changes elevation. not listed missing as a line in lines listed as threaded auto line tag autoline tag auto tag none

View (card-150) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

V45 converted to V50, the hangers show up in list but no cut dimensions on drawing

View (card-149) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

unknown fitting, cannot continue Unknown Fitting

View (card-148) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

AutoList - Error 11 Invalid Argument The process gives the dialog box with the information shown above, and the 'Processing Autolist...' window shows a green arrow and no text Error 11

View (card-147) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist Hydralist Opens Runtime Error

Runtime Error 5 when opening HydraLIST during the AutoLIST process. Error 5

View (card-146) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None Runtime Error

Microsoft Jet Database engine cannot open the file ...... Runtime Error 14

View (card-145) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None Unhandled Exception

Unhandled exception: eNullobjectId Application does not support just-in-time (JIT)

View (card-144) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

When starting the Autolist process, you get the error;

AutoList Error 101:  Could not read fitting group name.  Fix your Fitting Mapping in the HydraLIST toolbar

After clicking OK, you get this next

AutoLIST Error!!  AutoLIST failed!...  Please run Listing Checkups

View (card-116) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Listing Check Ups None Unhandled Exception

When attempting to run AutoLIST checkups and selecting a boundary, user gets an error similar to the one below; [Exception in fs_util.arx ARX Command] Unhandled Exception C00000005 (Access Violation Writing 0x9485ad10) at address 7720F86h OR Unhandled Exception in FS_UTIL.ARX and/or ADS request.
