Hydratec Inc.

AutoCAD Based (Listing)

Total: 60


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-173) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

Change requested in table not successful. Change data in fields or fields containing duplicate data. Error 3022

View (card-172) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None Unhandled Exception

Unhandled exception Application does not support just-in-time (JIT) debugging. This error occurs in ALL drawing files.

View (card-171) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

Head block definition is correct but the wrong sprinkler head thread size is reported in HydraLIST. Wrong welded outlet size for sprinkler heads are reported in HydraLIST. head sprinkler outlet size thread none

View (card-170) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None Unhandled Exception

Unhandled Exception - eFilerError unhandled exceptio

View (card-169) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None Dao Error

Call from Autolist::CleanUpLinesDatabase(lineDB) DAO error DAO error

View (card-168) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

HydraLIST input for pipe type is reported as "FITTING" and not the letter of the requested pipe type. See the "Error Circles" on drawing at the fitting where the listing instruction expects to have couplings cut in. (such as Grooved Elbow or Grooved Tee) 1 Typical Error Circle Message: Coupling expected but not found for a '????????'. Insert coupling or change fabrication method 2 Typical Error Circle Message: Takeout of fitting does not match takeout expected for a '????????'. Change fitting or fabrication method

View (card-167) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

Some threaded branch lines are not being tagged automatically as expected. Automatic Line Tags are missing after running AutoLIST. none

View (card-166) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

When starting the AutoLIST process, it sits there normally then you get this error message. 



You have canceled. There is nothing to stocklist


View (card-165) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None Dao Error

Call from AutoList::AddLineItemsToDatabase DAO Error changes requested to table not successful - create duplicate values in the index, primary key.... The line it failed to write is logged in C:\HES\TEMP\DAOUpdateError.txt Also: DAO Server Error RSU Update Call from Autolist DAO Error

View (card-164) Listing (AutoCAD Based) Start Autolist None None

operation failed
