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AutoCAD Based Listing (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)
Change requested in table not successful. Change data in fields or fields containing duplicate data. Error 3022
As HydraLIST opens at the end of AutoLIST an error check the project is done resulting in the error 3022 and HydraLIST closes. This happens when LIST HANGERS BY LINE NUMBER is checked in the AutoLIST Setup. 1. Mains tagged as _A (space A) will yield a correct hanger list for main _A but will also result in a blank main A hanger section. 2. Mains tagged as A (no space) will yield a correct hanger list for main A but will also result in Header Record information with a blank or contain a strange character. (Header Record cannot be seen from the input screen.)
There is a fix file for this. Talk to Art This same error will occur when trying to process the list in HydraLIST without fixing the input. Solution 1 - Open HydraLIST from the desktop. Review the hanger inputs and delete the blank hanger sections. Solution 2 - Open HydraLIST from the desktop. Review the hanger inputs and resave them. HydraLIST will automatically fix the header record. ***This will be fixed in an update.***