Hydratec Inc.

AutoCAD Based (Cleanup)

Total: 11


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-1180) Cleanup (AutoCAD Based) Draw Pretty Pipes None Unhandled Exception

When starting the Pretty Pipes command, you get an Unhandled Exception error including 'Could not find a part of the path'


Another error may mention blockoffsets.dat


View (card-995) Cleanup (AutoCAD Based) Draw Pretty Pipes None Einvalidlayer

Starting the Pretty Pipe process, you get this error;

Unhandled exception has occurred...  eInvalidLayer

View (card-912) Cleanup (AutoCAD Based) Draw Pretty Pipes None Unhandled Exception

Unhandled Exception has occurred in a component in your application.

One of the identified items was in an invalid format

View (card-527) Cleanup (AutoCAD Based) Draw Pretty Pipes None Unhandled Exception

Unhandled Exception has occurred in a component in your application

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

View (card-508) Cleanup (AutoCAD Based) Draw Pretty Pipes None Unhandled Exception

User drew own entities in FLEXPIPE Layer. That layer is only to be used by HydraCAD Unhandled Except. V50

View (card-499) Cleanup (AutoCAD Based) Draw Pretty Pipes None Unhandled Exception

Pretty Pipes requires line type TRACKS. This line type is missing from the drawing. Unhandled Except. v50

View (card-472) Cleanup (AutoCAD Based) Draw Pretty Pipes None None


2. corrupt xrefs

3. Irregular linetypes in the drawing.

4. Bad Hcad_Toolbox.dll file eBadLinetypName V53.04

View (card-438) Cleanup (AutoCAD Based) Cloud None None

The cloud command does not finish correctly, when user right-clicks to close it. Cloud Command

View (card-386) Cleanup (AutoCAD Based) Draw Pretty Pipes None None

1. Corrupt external data 2. 3D Head Block set wrong. show fittings HydraCAD V5x

View (card-255) Cleanup (AutoCAD Based) Draw Pretty Pipes None Unhandled Exception

Bad prettypipes.dat file

Bug with the new Flexible Hose Connections. Drawing with FHCs will get this error, drawings without will not get the error Unhandled Except. Dialog Box v50
