Hydratec Inc.

Security and Licensing (Hydrakey)

Total: 64


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-1000) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Update Version Permissions None None

Update Version Permissions Failed to get Hydraversion Install.


View (card-999) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Using None Security Error




View (card-998) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Using None Security Error

View (card-997) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) None None Security Error

View (card-996) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) None None Security Error

View (card-994) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) None None Security Error

View (card-990) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) None None Security Error


View (card-963) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Add New Authorization None Failed To Access Cloud Storage

While trying to authorize the software, the following message pops up; 


Failed to access cloud storage.  Error: Unable to load DLL HydraLIB.dll:  The specified module could not be found

Error: A Webexception with status NameResolutionFailure was thrown.

Error: A WebException with status SecureChannelFailure was thrown.

View (card-954) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) Installation None None

This XML file does not appear to have any style information


View (card-950) HydraKEY (Security and Licensing) None None Server Error

Server Error.
Failure to update Long Term Authorization.
