Hydratec Inc.

Revit Based Cards

Total: 189


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-969) HydraLIST (Revit Based) None None None

HydraLIST ribbon is missing in the Revit toolbar when opening a project file.

View (card-967) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Create Stocklist None Command Failure For External Command

Revit could not complete the external command.     System.ArguementOutOfRangeException

View (card-925) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Create Stocklist Dialog Box None

No Pipe Types are displayed in the Pipes ...  Pipe Types...  drop down list


Pipe Types known to be selected are not included in the  Pipe...  Pipe Types...  drop down list

View (card-920) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Create Stocklist None Command Failure For External Command

This error appears immediately when trying to run Create Stocklist, the dialog box never appears. 

Revit could not complete the external command... System.NullReferenceException

View (card-862) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Create Stocklist Continue Autolist – Error


View (card-838) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Create Stocklist None Revit Could Not Complete The External Command.

Revit could not complete the external command     System.NullReferenceException


View (card-36) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Create Stocklist Return To Revit None

Line/Main annotations do not populate with Line/Main numbers after running the calculation.

View (card-16) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Create Stocklist Continue None

Object not set to an instance of an Object when running list.

View (card-26) HydraLIST (Revit Based) Create Stocklist Continue Runtime Error

Runtime error 3022 Change requested in table not successful. Change data in fields or fields containing duplicate data.

View (card-1317) HydraCALC (Revit Based) Hydraulic Calculations Continue None

Calc loading bar stops completely at step 1a.9
