Hydratec Inc.

Revit Based Cards

Total: 190


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Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-1043) HydraCAD (Revit Based) None None None

No error, fittings and pipes have gaps in Medium and Coarse detail levels. 

View (card-1042) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Insert Pump None Command Failure For External Command

Command Failure for External Command... ...System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException

View (card-1041) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Import from the latest Toolbox None None

No error, but when pressing the toolbox button the file explorer opens up. 

View (card-1038) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Configure Head Change Configuration Command Failure For External Command

Command Failure for External Command... ....System.Exception: No routing preference set for...

View (card-1030) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Add Device Select Revit Could Not Complete The External Command.

Command failure for External Command... Revit could not complete the external command

View (card-1025) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Configure Head Connect Head Command Failure For External Command

Revit could not complete external command... System.NullReferenceException

View (card-1024) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Configure Head Connect Head None

There are identical instances in the same place.. This will result in double counting in schedules. 

View (card-1018) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Add Device Opening None

Revit could not complete the external command.  Revit encountered a System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'HydraLibRVT.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

View (card-992) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Hangers Pick Point None

No error message but command simply stops after one brace...


When running the hanger command for sway bracing, it will only add one brace.

  • If we have multiple pipes selected it will only add the sway brace to the first selected pipe.
  • When trying to run the command without pipe selected, the command will only run on the first click.
View (card-991) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Import from the latest Toolbox None Command Failure For External Command

Revit could not complete the external command.... Revit.Exceptions.CorruptModelException
