Hydratec Inc.

Revit Based (Hydracad)

Total: 103


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-1098) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Spacing and Layout None Command Failure For External Command

When trying to run Spacing and Layout, this error appears. Revit could not complete the external command... System.NullReferenceException

Also could encounter this error:

View (card-1096) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Spacing and Layout New Head From Selector None

Revit could not complete the external command... System.NullReferenceException

View (card-1095) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Configure Head Connect To Outlet None

When using the Continuous option, after I am done I get an error and all the changes are erased.

View (card-1094) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Add Device None None

All the valves listed are red and can't be imported

View (card-1086) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Hangers None None

Hangers dialog won't open:

Unhandled exception has occurred... Object reference not set to an instance of an object

View (card-1078) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Add Device Select None

I updated my database and I still get the old valve

View (card-1076) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Couplings Add Couplings None

No error, but when trying to use Add Couplings, Revit stops responding and the couplings are never placed.

View (card-1074) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Hangers Ok None

No error, but when trying to put a seismic brace on a vertical pipe, it won't place itself down. It keeps prompting to make a selection. 

View (card-1072) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Hangers None Unhandled Exception

When selecting the Hangers button, this error displays. 

View (card-1071) HydraCAD (Revit Based) Sleeves None None

No error, but when selecting the Sleeves button, the loading circle / hourglass will appear then disappear. But nothing will happen, the sleeves dialog box never comes up. 
