Hydratec Inc.

AutoCAD Based (Calculations)

Total: 118


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-115) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) None None Runtime Error

Runtime Error 380. After raising to 3D then then selecting the pipe types to apply the schedule to, the error message pops up when the HydraCALC Pipe Scheduler tool is supposed to appear. Press OK at the error message then ESC when the command asks to select a pipe.

View (card-114) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Remote Area Select Polyline None

When attempting to convert an existing polyline to the Remote Area polyline, you get the following error when selecting a pline. Error: Automation Error. Key not found Command:

View (card-112) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None


No Operating Heads or Flows found!! Please check...

View (card-111) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None Unhandled Exception

Unhandled Exception has occurred in a component... Item has already been added. Key in dictionary. Key being added: '[handle of object]' CodeBase: file: ../HCAD_HUI.DLL

View (card-110) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs Calc Area # None

Step 9a.1 - Saving Raw Calc Data Auto- Program Load Error Could not initiate process called for by \Hes\HydraCalc\Ver50\Programs\Hyd_Prog.exe

View (card-109) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None Unhandled Exception

Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application Index was outside the boundary of the array *APPLIES TO:* v52.05 r2, September 16 & 17 update only

View (card-108) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None

When attempting to run AutoCALC, a message on the command prompt says, "hcad_acd file not found"

View (card-107) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None

Step 5a.3 "Attaching Elevation of ~ to Node ~~~~

Step 5a.3 "Calculating"

"The specified remote node does not have a k-factor. Please fix your input."

"Calculation failed for unknown reason"


View (card-106) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Calc Check Ups None None

Duplicate Reference Points with jump detour

View (card-105) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None Runtime Error

Running an AutoCALC, it hangs at step 1a.3 while attaching fittings and you get a Runtime Error 5

