Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based Calculations (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Start Autocalcs Error Type: 0


When starting the AutoCALC process, you get this error;


Could not find fitting match for Pump Only/Test Point Please check!!




• A corrupted System Boudary


• A corrupt drawing


• Bad blocks in the drawing, possibly related to sprinkler blocks, 3D sprinkler blocks


• Underground pipe was drawn in the Mains layer (SPRKDAT1).


• Erase and re-insert the system boundary


• Close the drawing, start a new drawing with a template then type RECOVER in the command prompt.  Navigate to the problem drawing and let it run through and fix errors its errors.  IMHO, a RECOVER is more thorough than the AUDIT command


• Run the AutoCAD PURGE command so no blocks remain which need to be purged out, then run RBL to rebuild the layers. [GAB 10/26/17] gma 11-17-15


• Change underground pipe to be in the SPRKDAT3 layer.


Unknown bad objects in the drawing, the problem drawing should be inserted into a new template drawing.



1. Start a new drawing using a HydraCAD based template.


2. Use the Blocks palette found at the menu [Insert|Blocks Palette]  or type the command CLASSICINSERT


3. Uncheck Insertion Point, check Explode, then pick the Navigation button in the upper left then click on the problem drawing to insert it into this drawing.








4. After the drawing is inserted, type REGROUP[enter] to reconnect your elevation, steel, ceiling, and slope deflines to its text

Updated: Jan. 17, 2024, 11 a.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight