Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based Calculations (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Start Autocalcs



No Operating Heads or Flows found!! Please check...



There is no continuous path from the source to the flowing heads in the remote area.  The pipe has been broken somewhere along the way.


View the 3D Sysytem Model - Use the WALK MODEL command (WMD) to find disconnected pipes.


*There is a video detailing how to use WMD can be found on Sharefile under;

[HydraCAD for AutoCAD\Instructional Videos\AutoCalc]

Fixing a 'No Operating Heads' message.mp4


Verified maintenance customers will have access to this folder. [GAB 9/15/21]


Drawing may not have been elevated to 3D since being opened


Create a 3D model of the drawing, then try the calc process again.


1. Pipe was disconnected between source and flowing sprinklers


2. System boundary did not include all the flowing pipe


3. User added a slope of 0 Rise/10' Run on a pipe in the remote area, the process couldn't find that pipe


4. Area Number set to 0


5. Bad drop / sprig definition box


6. Looped main piping was drawn in SPRKDAT2 layer. No SPRKDAT1 piping was drawn


7. Test point on more than one pipe or on a vertical pipe


8. Test point was set to PUMP only.


1. Add pipe or connect pipe for a continuous path from the source to the flowing heads in the remote area


2. adjust the system boundary to get all the required pipe inside the boundary or add a new boundary around the pipe that was missed


3. Re-insert the slope so there is an actual slope rather than flat pipe. (GAB 1/05/14)


4. Set Area to number other then 0


5. Delete definition box, super purge, reinsert defintion box


6. The AutoCALC process requires there be main piping drawn so it can know which path to take to find the flowing sprinklers. [GAB 5/05/16]


7. Test point can only be on end of one pipe and can not start on a vertical pipe


8. Temporarily erase and re-insert the water supply as CITY only.  After the AutoCALC process is complete and you have a working .WXF file, change the water supply back to PUMP only.  Thanks Conrad C!

Updated: Oct. 9, 2023, 1:46 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight