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Standalone HydraLIST (Location)
When attempting to process a stock list, nothing happens and HydraVIEW doesn't open.
You can test this by trying to manually open stand-alone HydraVIEW. Go to the Windows START button, scroll down to the letter H, select Hydratec v50 Software, then select HydraVIEW. It should open to a blank job, but if nothing happens, see below for the possible solution.
You can also manually attempt to navigate to this folder, then double-click HydraVIEW.EXE then double-click it.
If stand-alone HydraVIEW does open, see this HydraCARD;
1. Confirm that the program isn't opening at all. If you can see its grey icon in the taskbar, it's likely open but off-screen.
2. It's possible Windows Exploit Protection has blocked HydraVIEW
1. If the application is off-screen, Use the keyboard combination of ALT+SPACEBAR, M, ARROW KEY, then move your mouse to relocate it back to your main screen.
2a. Click the Windows START button, search for/type EXPLOIT PROTECTION, then click OPEN
2b. Select the tab 'Program Settings', to the right of 'System Settings'
2d. Select the option CHOOSE EXACT PATH
2e. Navigate to and select "C:\HES\Common\Ver50\HydraVIEW.EXE", click OPEN
2f. Scroll down to Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
2g. Tick the box for Override System Settings and turn to OFF.
2h. Click APPLY then try to open HydraVIEW again.