Hydratec Inc.

Revit Based (Hydracalc)

Total: 46


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-11) HydraCALC (Revit Based) Hydraulic Calculations Continue 1a.1

Step 1a.1 - Error box - missing Pipe Type pointing to Ref 1 & Ref 2

can also be Step 1a.4

View (card-10) HydraCALC (Revit Based) Hydraulic Calculations Continue None

This Calculation has gone 200 passes...

View (card-5) HydraCALC (Revit Based) Hydraulic Calculations Continue None

Step 1a.6 - Hangs at attaching heads

View (card-4) HydraCALC (Revit Based) Hydraulic Calculations Continue Runtime Error

Step 1a.3 - Attaching Fittings - Fitting is a... Then Runtime Error 5 Invalid Procedure Call or Argument

View (card-2) HydraCALC (Revit Based) Hydraulic Calculations Continue None

After setting Pipe Types, the CONTINUE button is grayed out.

View (card-1) HydraCALC (Revit Based) Hydraulic Calculations Continue None

Step 2.3 The Specified Remote Node does not have a K Factor.
