Hydratec Inc.

AutoCAD Based (Calculations)

Total: 118


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-103) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs Calc Area # None

Step 9a.1 - Runtime Error 62 Input past end of file.

View (card-100) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs Sizing Runtime Error

Runtime error 71

Runtime error 52

View (card-99) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None Unhandled Exception

After picking Start Autocalc... Unhandled Exception: The system cannot find the specified file.

View (card-98) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None


View (card-97) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Reference Points None None

1. Inserting a hydraulic reference point doesn't erase an existing ref point at the same location

2. New ref points in HydraCALC are not using the values of the HYD ref points.

View (card-96) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None

Could not find fitting for water supply test point can not match

View (card-94) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Calc Check Ups None None

Upon starting the Checkup command for AutoCalc, the command starts but stops. The Command Prompt says; "Initializing... Checking to make sure heads are in the right layer...bad argument type: stringp nil" As a side note, the user's drawing had multiple repeat head definition boxes (blue boxes in ACC1 layer). These were cleaned up (deleted) and the heads redefined. The AUDIT command was run after the cleanup

View (card-92) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None

Step 1a.3 - Fitting Exchange No replacement fitting name for 22E for Sched-10 Note: This could be any fitting or pipe type described in the error. If you click ok at each error, the process will run through without these fittings

View (card-91) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None

Sizes show in schdule as 1/2" each time schedule is loaded even if reset by user.

View (card-90) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None

Pick Start AutoCalc and nothing happens - NIL shows on command line
