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AutoCAD Based Calculations (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)
This job has gone 200 or more passes without balancing.
Doubled jump reference point, same reference point inserted on top of itself at the same spot.
Erase all reference points associated with the jump and reinsert.
Hose flow on dead end pipe.
Remove or relocate hose flow.
Grid calc used INSIDE hose (e.g. +100, not 100).
Remove hose flow and add manually in HydraCALC.
Branchline was partially drawn in the ARMOVER layer (SPRKDAT4) where it should have been in the BRANCHLINE layer (SPRKDAT2).
Find the pipe and make it a branchline (SPRKDAT2).
An @ symbol is used inside a reference point OLDER CAUSES/PROBLEMS 101. Detour for area being calculated is not labeled for that area. (i.e. calculating area 2 and detour is inserted for area 1) 102. User sized pipe with sizes that are too small, causing friction loss that is off the charts. 103. Pump Inlet and Pump Outlet are at the same point. 104. All piping drawn in branch line layer (SPRKDAT2).
No, don't do that. Erase and reinsert. OLDER SOLUTIONS 101. Reinsert detour for that area. 102. Resize pipes with larger sizes. 103. Place Pump Outlet and Inlet at two different locations per instructions. 104. Change the pipe that connects to the hydrant to a main (SPRKDAT1).
Flow is VERY high, which triggers the 200 passes error.
User used a density of 10 instead of 0.10 in the calc setup window.