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AutoCAD Based Launching HydraCAD (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Opening


When opening HydraCAD, you get this error message or something similar;


AutoCAD Warning

The following shortcuts in the search were invalid and ignored: 




After clicking OK, HydraCAD will open up, albeit very slowly, and almost every step will take an significant amount of time, for example 45 seconds to start a new drawing or to size a pipe




Likely a references in the drawing file or AutoCAD's Support File Search Path is pointing to a location which does not exist and or the HydraCAD path is being found too early.


The solution will not be the same for everyone, but you'll get a hint by checking the location of the files it cannot find.  If you see a drive location which doesn't exist while opening a drawing, check for xrefs and remove them.


Check the Acad Options window and the Support File Search Path.  Make sure the HES folder is under the Autocad 202# paths.



For this particular example, a learning institution was using a Sentinel Network license, they setup the master computer, imaged the disk then then cloned it to share with 80 seats.


While unsure of the actual cause, when reviewing the HydraCAD profile in Options, the paths leading to the HydraCAD folders were using front slashes instead of back slashes.  


It's unknown how this was happening as the master computer had back slashes, but once imaged and opened on another computer, only the HydraCAD paths switched to front slashes.


Likely an issue witth the imaging software.

Updated: June 5, 2024, 1:44 p.m. Created: Jan. 4, 2024, 2:49 p.m.