Hydratec Inc.

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Standalone HydraBID (Location)

Button: Create New Assembly


When trying to create a new assembly, this error shows...But I am already in the Assembly Sheet of the Complete Parts List



The HydraXL.xla file located in C:\H40\PROG\XLEST\ needs to replaced with a newer version.

(Note: If you installed HydraBid on a different drive, replace C: with the drive you used.)


Download the newest file from the link below:


After you download that file, place it in the previously specified location of C:\H40\PROG\XLEST\ and overwrite the existing one.

It is possible your browser or anti-virus protection can block this file. If you have the permission to let it through, it is safe to do so. If not please contact your IT Department, etc.

After the file is downloaded and in the right location, right click the file and select Properties

At the bottom, check to unblock this file, then select Apply

Updated: Sept. 19, 2022, 2 p.m. Created: April 20, 2022, 4:08 p.m.