Hydratec Inc.

AutoCAD Based (Hydracalc)

Total: 86


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-613) HydraCALC (AutoCAD Based) Calculate None Runtime Error

Input past end of file Runtime error 62

View (card-612) HydraCALC (AutoCAD Based) Calculate None None

No Message - system does not show safety margin

View (card-611) HydraCALC (AutoCAD Based) Calculate None None


View (card-610) HydraCALC (AutoCAD Based) None None None

Path not found Err 76

View (card-608) HydraCALC (AutoCAD Based) Print Final Hydraview None

Long, but will reference cheettext.c and 0x50 and 710 PCL XL Error HydraView

View (card-607) HydraCALC (AutoCAD Based) None None Runtime Error

While trying to open HydraCALC Sizer, user gets an error message saying; Run-time Error 62 Input past end of file Run Time Runtime Error 62 HydraCalc Sizer

View (card-606) HydraCALC (AutoCAD Based) Calculate None None

Weird characters show in Pressure and flow required

View (card-605) HydraCALC (AutoCAD Based) Calculate None None

Freezing during calculation in HydraCALC HydraCALC

View (card-604) HydraCALC (AutoCAD Based) Calculate None None

hydraulic calculation gets to a pass number and just stops and hangs... hangs hydcalc.exe

View (card-601) HydraCALC (AutoCAD Based) Test Point None Runtime Error

Runtime Error 75 Path/File access error Runtime 75
