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Revit Based HydraCAD (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)
HydraLibRVT.dll is blocked
Unblock the dll...with Revit closed browse to the :\HES\Hydratec for Revit\Programs folder find HydraLibRVT.dll right click on it and go to properties, if it is blocked, a blocked message will show up here,
with an option to unblock it.
Unblock it, reopen Revit and try to insert the valve.
something may have gone horribly wrong in downoading and installing an update
with Revit closed browse to the :\HES\Hydratec for Revit\Programs folder find HydraLibRVT.dll right click on it and rename the file. With Revit still closed, redownload and rerun the update. Open Revit and try to insert the valve.