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Standalone HydraCALC (Location)

Button: Info Sheet Error Type: Runtime Error


When attempting to view the Info Sheet, the following error message pops up




User was in a older calculation file where an old style info sheet was being used.  Normally, this shouldn't cause a problem as either;

a) the old style info sheet will pop up to be edited, or

b) if the background files to view the info sheet are missing, the program will give a message.

But for some reason, they were getting this runtime error.


The only solution is to manually edit the calc file in Notepad and remove any reference to the old style info sheet.

1. Close the calc file and HydraCALC.

2. Right-click the .WXF file and select either EDIT or Open with... Notepad.

3. Find the lines highlighted below and delete them.

You're looking for the headers and their respective data; INFOSHT & INFNAME.  

Re-open HydraALC then the file, then start a new Info Sheet.

Updated: Sept. 16, 2022, 2:28 a.m. Created: April 28, 2020, 4:27 p.m.