Hydratec Inc.

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Standalone HydraLIST (Location)


The install path in the registry is incorrect. The user changed the Master Data location to the server, then changed it back to the C:\ drive and forced the data load, causing the files in the setup folder to be deleted as hydralist opened. In one case, copying over MASK.MDB didn't help, as a Runtime Error 70 (Permission Denied) was displayed, and MASK.MDB was gone from the folder. Runtime Error 53



Runtime Error 53 File not found Mask.mdb


Use REGEDIT and correct the Drive spec in: HKey_Current_user Software Hydratec HydraList Ver50 MasterDataSite --- FORCE entry should be "False" (no quotes) SITE entry should be "na" (no quotes)

Updated: Sept. 19, 2022, 2:50 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight