Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based Calculations (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Start Autocalcs Function: Calc Area #


Step 1a.10 - Two windows will be visible: 1. Attaching Node (X) Elevations and 2. Error Display "Missing Pipe Type".

You will also see Ref1 & Ref2 values (for the pipe handle). *Make a note of each Ref1 value. See Solution 3a under Solution/Notes if applicable.




1. Bad Pipe Schedule values

2. Step 1a.10 Error Display "missing pipe type" & "missing pipe diameter" messages. Caused by all pipe drawn in lines SPRKDAT2 layer in a small sprinkler system

3. On Metric drawings, a vertical pipe with a diameter is not being recognized, or is being recognized as Imperial. See solution, below

4. The sprinkler definition for the drop/sprig diameter and/or sprinkler thread size is set to 'OTHER'



1. Start the AutoCALC again and click the SIZING button in the AutoCalc Setup window. Confirrm you have legitimate diameters set in all the entries. [GAB 9/13/16]

2. At least one pipe must be in the SPRKDAT1 layer and one in SPRKDAT2 layer for each input type. Pipes in the supply line and at least one pipe segment in a loop (if one exists) MUST be in the SPRKDAT1 layer

3a. Get back into HydraCAD while the error message is still visible and the drawing is in 3D mode. Type the command 'HCAD_FINDME' Change the 'Search For' value to 'Fitting Handle' and type in the Ref1 value into 'Value' Click FIND. If you get coordinates, click 'Zoom To'. The drawing will zoom to the vertical pipe in question. Close the AutoCALC setup window, this will take you back to 2D mode. Erase and re-insert the VP and try again. Repeat as necessary for each VP reported. [GAB 6/26/15]

3b. Select the vertical pipes (if all the same diameter you can select them all at the same time) pick the Properties icon under "common pipe info" next to "diameter" change the diameter to something other than the current value then change it back to the original value (you do not have to close the window when switching diameters) Do this for each vertical pipe. Raise into 3dmodel and you should notice the vertical pipes now have a thickness

4. Set drop/sprig diameter and/or sprinkler thread size to a numerical diameter choice (1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4) in the dialog box

Updated: Nov. 6, 2023, 3:21 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight