Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based Calculations (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Start Autocalcs


Area # section is blank or missing remote areas in the AutoCalc Setup dialog box. Area number is not recognized




1. Reference points are not connected to the sprinklers because the Hyd layer is not all upper case

2. Reference points are not connected to the sprinklers because the HEAD block selected is bad

3. Reference points are not connected to the sprinklers because the pipe in the remote area is not elevated in the system model

4. Bad system boundary

5. Sloping definition line on the main

6. Pipe is raising but heads are at 0-0



1. In the layer properties manager, rename the hyd layer to be HYD (all upper case)

2. Type PURG at the command line. (purge all unused layers and blocks) Then try AutoCALC

3. Add an AFF or bts defline to properly model the area. If no area number still shows up.....Insert different Sprinkler HEAD blocks and reinsert new Operating Sprinkler blocks

4. Erase and reinsert system boundaries. One user inserted both the System Boundary and Floor Elevation Boundary on top of each other. Re-inserting fixed the problem

5. Eliminate the sloping definition line

6. Give the heads either a positive or negative elevation.

Updated: July 10, 2023, 3:10 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight