Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based Calculations (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Start Autocalcs


Step 5a.3b - Hangs up reordering Pipe Paths




1. Looped main with flowing sprinklers attached directly to the main or grid system with all lines and mains drawn in the SPRKDAT1 layer. This causes confusion when designating Input Types

2. Pump reference points inserted backwards

3. Mismatched pipe sizes and pipe types

4. Vertical pipe attached to a sidewall sprinkler

5. Set up Drops as Equivalent K-Factors

6. No caps at ends of mains. This causes confusion when designating Input Types

7. Using Add Calculation Fittings - with pressure curves on multiple pipes

8. Layer ArmOver is being used

9. Minimum pressure block inserted at sprinklers

10. Riser nipples have the wrong LINE_MAIN designation

11. PIPES WITH 0 PSI FRICTION The K-factor and start pressure generates a flow that is so small there are one or more pipes with 0 psi friction loss. The AutoCALC process uses the pressure differences at each end of a pipe to determine the water flow direction. (Flow towards the lowest pressure) The problem pipe is tagged as Ln-S or Mn-S (straight feed pipe - not a loop). The program only allows flow in one direction in a tree system. (When there is a low flow resulting in no friction loss - the pressures are equal at both ends of the pipe. Flow could possibly go in either direction. The program thinks the flow is going backwards and it just hangs

12. Two sprinklers inserted on top of each other but at different rotation angles

13. Two different types of flowing sprinkler heads in remote area



1. Change that portion of the main into the branch line (SPRKDAT2) layer. - DO NOT put branch lines in the SPRKDAT1 layer. This will cause problems in BOTH AutoCALC & AutoLIST. The fabrication type and material for the stock list do not matter.

2. Delete and reinsert the water/pump supply. PI is the inlet point PO is the outlet

3. User has selected a pipe type that isn't made in the size that was chosen. Change the pipe type

4. Edit drawing to place sidewall on a short pipe, not a hydrapipe

5. Check 'Set up Drops as Equivalent K-Factors' in Calculation Setup dialog box

6. Add caps

7. Update to latest HydraCalc

8. Change arm overs from SPRKDAT4 to SPRKDAT2 and riser nipple type from "arm over" to "line" - was fixed in 52.03 Rev2

9. User had a 30PSI pressure block at a sidewall on end of branchline and an 12PSI pressure block on a pendant closer to the main. Removing the pressure block allowed the calc to run through. Remove the pressure block then adjust accordingly in HydraCALC. Known issue, still being looked at. See [Card #2] regarding this issue as to WHY it's happening. 2/11/15 GAB

10. In the edit riser nipples dialog box, change the designation from main to line or vice versa

11. Happened with a standpipe calculation using a single K=5.6 to build the hydraulic input. Try a larger K-factor (25 or 50) and higher minimum end head pressure (100 psi). This should generate more flow so that there is "some" friction loss in each piece of pipe and therefore a pressure difference at each end of the pipe. Then the program can determine the flow direction in all pipes and continue to create the HydraCALC input

12. User inserted the same sprinkler head on top of itself, but the rotation angle was different so checkups/overkill didn't catch it. Will most likely be a flowing sprinkler head. Replace all existing heads with a HEAD5 to quickly find the bad ones

13. (i) Close the 'AutoCalc' setup window (ii) In Hcad, replace the sprinklers so ALL flowing sprinklers are the **same** block. (iii) run AutoCalc again. When you get into HydraCALC, fix the density/k-factor/area/pressures to match the original sprinkler values. (iv) When you get back to HydraCAD, make sure to reset the sprinkler heads back to their original blocks. This issue only happens occasionally when sidewalls are involved but has happened with uprights. [GAB 6/26/15]

Updated: July 10, 2023, 1:52 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight