Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based Calculations (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Start Autocalcs


Error matching operating head @ (xxxx.xxx, yyyy.yyy) The only option is the OK button. ALSO - The equivalent k-factor for node xxx is not an end point.



There are two or more of the same type sprinkler head block inserted where the operating head is located. When you pick OK the process continues but this may also cause the following input error in HydraCALC. The equivalent k-factor for node xxx is not an end point. There will be an =EQ01 in the system piping input for K/Flow but there will not be an Equivalent K-Piping calculation input line ending with EQ01.


Erase the extra sprinkler head blocks as required. or Type in OVERKILL at the command prompt. Select all of your pipe In the dialog window, UNCHECK the 'end-to-end' option. Click OK Display shows number of duplicate entities found.

Updated: Nov. 20, 2023, 1:51 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight