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AutoCAD Based HydraCALC (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)
Printing a calc shows this error in HydraVIEW;
File not found Runtime Error 53
1. User entered a company number which was not setup in their list. Eg. Used #5 but #5 was blank.
2. User may be using an older version of HydraView
3. A file may have been deleted from the C:\HES\HydraCALC\VER50\Data\Setup\Reports folder.
4. May be pointed at \Reports\English\ and reports may be in \Reports\
5. HydraVIEW has been removed from the computer
1. Reset company number to 1
2. Make sure HydraView is current.
3. Check reports folder for missing files, any missing file can be copied over from the appropriate language folder.
4.. Fix call and delete English\ off report path
5. Confirm the file "C:\HES\Common\Ver50\HydraVIEW.exe" is on the computer