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AutoCAD Based Piping (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)
Inserting a pipe dimension (pipex) places it at the end of the pipe, including its center grip or not even on the pipe at all
See solution #3 if the PIPEX is not on the pipe
3DOsnaps have been turned on.
Press the F4 key and ensure it says <3DOsnap off>
Or click this button so it isn't highlighted
User was turning on Pipe End (PENsnap) and Sprinkler (SPKsnap) from the Autocad status bar at the bottom of the screen.
Don't do that.
Instead use SHIFT+RT-CLICK or set the pipe end osnap using the osnap settings button from the toolbar in question.
[GAB 08/31/20]
Z-coordinates in the drawing are forcing the PIPEX to the end of the pipe
Eliminate the Z-coordinate from pipe. If you want to avoid the Eliminate Z-Coordinates command (as this will do ALL objects in a drawing), an alternate method is to use Select Similar.
Select one pipe, right-click then click 'select similar'. Then, change the Start Z and End Z properly to 0 for all objects.
You'll have to do this for all 4 piping layers.
If you start the Join Pipes command then cancel out after selecting the first pipe, you'll notice the first pipe remains selected until you hit ESC a few times or REGENALL. Then if you try to size any other pipe, the PIPEX will insert at the END instead of MID
Close the drawing and re-open it
Close the drawing and re-open it