Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based Piping (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Size Pipe Setup


Somehow many of the pipes got a very small numbers in its Z-Coordinate value n/a Drawing Area Autocad 2010+



Somehow many of the pipes got a very small numbers in its Z-Coordinate value


Use the Properties Quick Select to select all the HydraCAD piping layers (SPRKDAT1, 2, 3, 4). Then in Properties|Geometry, change the Start Z and End Z from 1.000 E+99 to 1, then 0. Repeat steps for HydraCAD piping block layers (SPRKDAT A, B, C, SPRNK2, 2V, 3 & S and change the Position Z to 1 then 0.

Updated: April 15, 2024, 12:38 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight