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Standalone HydraCALC (Location)
The View button that appears after running a calculation does not do anything
The View Calculation button can be to open the results.
1. Put WordPad back on (but who knows when it disappears again)
This is where it normally is - you may be able to get it from someone else and copy it to that location on your computer
If you don't have it, try the OneDrive location linked in this web page:
2. Change the viewer HydraCALC uses. Pick the Options drop down menu and then pick Input Defined Print Program.
Enter in the path to the program you want to use instead of WordPad:
If you want to use Notepad, then the usual location is C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe - If you enter that (or another editor you like) it will use that instead when you pick the View button
3. You can open the temporary calc file normally displayed by the View button by navigating to the C:\HES\TEMP folder and locating hydcalc.tmp and open it with Notepad: