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Revit Based HydraCALC (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Hydraulic Calculations Function: Continue Error Type: None


This error is unique to version 24.2.001.   When restarting a calcultion that previously failed, after picking the Continue button the program (Revit) totally freezes!!!!



Program change in version 24.2.001 created this problem.  When an attempt to do a calculation fails for some known reason, ie  No Operationg Heads,  Could not solve in 200 passes, etc.  the AutoCALC process is not properly identifying the failed attempt and the program subsequently assumes the process is still running and simply waits forever for the original process to complete. 


Force the program to be notified that the process has completed:

  • Open Notepad   (use windows button and type notepad)
  • Type  OK, I'm done
  • File saveas:   C:\HES\Temp\V50CalcReturn.tmp
  • once saved, the process will pop through and continue as normal

This problem will be fixed in an update very soon  (8/21/24)

Updated: Aug. 21, 2024, 5:39 p.m. Created: Aug. 21, 2024, 5:31 p.m.