Hydratec Inc.

AutoCAD Based Cards

Total: 677


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Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Card 1259 View Piping (AutoCAD Based) Rapid Main None Fatal Error

When using Rapid Main or Rapid Line, clicking on the pipe causes a Fatal Error

Card 1189 View Piping (AutoCAD Based) Define Pipe Elevations Abacus Unhandled Exception

When clicking the abacus to enter a length, you get this error;


Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application.  If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.

Index and length must refer to a location within the string.  Parameter name: length

Card 1179 View Piping (AutoCAD Based) Move Main None Freezes

After starting the Move Main command (MMA), and selecting the main to move, the system freezes and the only way to get out is to end task in the Task Manager

Card 1177 View Piping (AutoCAD Based) Move Main None Fatal Error

When selecting a pipe for the Move Main command, you get a fatal error

Card 1176 View Piping (AutoCAD Based) Move Line None Restart Command

When selecting the pipe to move in the move line command, you get the error;

Error!!  Restart command, and select a different pipe..


Card 1173 View Piping (AutoCAD Based) Insert One RN None Other

When you insert your vertical pipe/riser nipple, you see the text "HCAD/D_UNITS" as the diameter's suffix

Card 1172 View Piping (AutoCAD Based) Insert One RN None Other

When inserting a vertical pipe, the pipe diameter's suffix doesn't match the regular pipe nor the drawing's setting

Card 1171 View Piping (AutoCAD Based) Size Pipe Setup None Warning

When trying to size a pipe, you get the message, "Warning! - Z Coordinates have been detected and must be removed!

Pick OK to begin Phase One elimination


Card 1119 View Piping (AutoCAD Based) Rapid Line None Missing Dialog Box

When using Rapid Pipe/Rapid Line/Rapid Main, you do not see the tooltip which indicates your future pipe lengths

Card 1097 View Piping (AutoCAD Based) Edit Riser Nipples None Dialog Flashes And Closes

Double-Clicking on a riser nipple, or using the Edit Riser Nipple command (ERN) briefly displays the edit riser nipple dialog, which then closes
