Hydratec Inc.

AutoCAD Based (Calculations)

Total: 118


* On smaller devices swipe left to view hidden table data

Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
View (card-383) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None

New nodes will be inserted with an elevation of 0. The existing node has an existing elevation other than zero, therefore the attributes don't match and it won't delete the previous node. HYD Layer HydraCAD

View (card-369) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Figure Head Area None Unhandled Exception

When returning from 3D view, the drawing's current layer becomes Layer 0 (zero). Unhandled Exception Dialog Box v51 v52

View (card-358) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None

Machine is set up to generate old-style (pre-AutoCAD 14) polylines. Flowing Heads Remote Area

View (card-352) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Figure Head Area Dialog Box None

APQ block is not in the block table FATAL ERROR Dialog Box HydraCAD v52

View (card-343) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Figure Head Area None None

Unknown, happens only on some drawings AutoCAD Hcad v51

View (card-341) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None

Unable to write files to hard drive HES folders (among others) were not 'active' in that they appeared faint yellow when looking at them in Windows Explorer/My Computer AutoCalc/Checkups

View (card-330) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Figure Head Area None None

Figure Head Area cannot find the APQ block in the drawing's block table. **Possible there's a missing registry entry** Dialog box 54.04

View (card-327) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None

Pipe Elevation Deflines without elevation block attached AutoCalc

View (card-311) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Calc Check Ups None None

The 'speak' feature in AutoCAD is causing the error. n/a Command prompt 51.07 r6

View (card-307) Calculations (AutoCAD Based) Start Autocalcs None None

All pipe is in the branch line (SPRKDATB) layer solid pipes 3d modeling
