Hydratec Inc.

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Ribbon/Toolbar (software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (software) Button Function Error Type Description
Card 1336 View Sprinklers (AutoCAD Based) Head Schedule None Bad Argument

When trying to insert a Sprinkler Head Schedule (SHS command), after viewing the setup dialog box, then selecting sprinkler heads, when asked to select a location for the guide, you get the error;

Please pick start point for schedule

Error: bad argument value: non-negative: -1

Card 933 View Sprinklers (AutoCAD Based) Head Schedule None Bad Argument

When trying to insert a sprinkler head schedule, after selecting the heads and attempting to select a point to insert the text, you get the following error;


Select Heads to put in schedule (as in by floor) or Right-Click to add all heads to schedule
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 8 found
Select objects:
Please pick start point for schedule
Error: bad argument value: non-negative: -1


Card 384 View Sprinklers (AutoCAD Based) Head Schedule None None

If the user runs the sprinkler head schedule, the dry volume text window will not appear. DRYVOLU or DV HydraCAD 52.03 r1
