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Revit Based HydraCAD (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Help Function: Import from the latest Toolbox Error Type: Revit could not complete the external command.


Revit could not complete external command.    Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.CorruptModelException



Previous download of the latest toolbox placed a corrupted file on the local computer


Simply delete the latest toolbox file from the appropriate families folder and retry the command.

The latest toolbox will be named  Toolbox????.rvt and can be found in:

  • C:\HES\Hydratec for Revit\Data\Families\20XX\  

**folder where XX is the year of the version of Revit

Here is a link to a video for a detailed description of the cause and solution:

If this error keeps occurring, see solution #2:


If you change between versions of Revit frequently, a combination of a bug with the code of Importing from the latest Toolbox and a feature of Revit causes this error, as you cannot downgrade a file from a newer version of Revit to an older one. Due to that, the import function can unintendedly put a newer file in the wrong folder, causing this error to recoccur. 


A tedious way to resolve this is to start from the newest version of Revit you'll be using - import the latest toolbox, this will install the toolbox file in C:\HES\Hydratec for Revit\Data\Families\2017\ . If you installed Hydratec for Revit on a different drive, replace C: with the drive used. 

Move the folder from 2017 to Data\Families\2017 to the year of the Revit version you're using. You'll need to do this to all of the ones you use, starting from newest to oldest. The file will always need to be moved from the 2017 to 20XX (depending on the year you're using)

A fix will be made for this error, so be sure to update past 22.0.009 to 22.0.010.

If you are on version 22.0.010 and still recieve this error:

Please contact Revit support at revitsupport@hydracad.com and we will help resolve your problem.

Updated: Sept. 19, 2022, 5:25 p.m. Created: April 22, 2021, 7:33 p.m.