Hydratec Inc.

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Standalone HydraLIST (Location)

Button: Process


Avast Anti Virus software with sandbox is installed on the computer the Anti Virus thinks the process program has been selected as a possible virus file. The program runs in the sandbox the process files are stored in the sandbox and then when the process is completed the sandbox is delete along with everything that happed while in the sandbox none



No error message Process runs and completes but no HVUF or LBL files are created and HydravIEW does not open automatically


Delete the AVAST Test HydraLIST process should work now contact AVAST to findout how to configure there software so that HydraLIST does not get lost in the sandbox or try a different Anti Virus software

Updated: Sept. 19, 2022, 1:55 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight