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Button: Test Point Error Type: Runtime Error


usually a rights problem with application files. a. virus software has locked the file b. a real time backup device locked the file c. on windows 7 64 bit computers, applications (exe files) may not be given adminstrator rights during installation. d. Possilbe open .LDB file runtime error 3050



Runtime Error 3050: Couldn't lock file. could also happen with the error check


a1. disable virus protection software, verify that error goes away - then configure virus software differently disabling just real time scan may also fix the issue. "Microsoft Essentials Anti Virus" and "Webroot anti virus" software as well as "Kaspersky", can causes error 3050 when using Microsoft Access Databases. Disable it and reboot and the problem goes away. Open the MS Security Essentials app, go to the settings tab, the third item down will be "real time protection". Click that, and then uncheck "turn on real time protection". In webRoot turn off real time protection. a2. run a scan with the virus software - verify that the error goes away b1. disable/sleep the real time backup device - verify that the error goes away c1. in windows explorer, browse to the C:\HES\Hydlist\Ver50\Programs folder - right click on SLD_PROG.EXE go into Properties and in the COMPATIBILITY TAB place a check next to RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR. Do the same for SldReports.EXE. d. If an .LDB file with the same name of the problem file cannot be found, copy and rename the file and try again. [GAB 9/14/16]

Updated: Sept. 20, 2023, 1:26 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight