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Standalone HydraLIST (Location)
Run-time error 3051... The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file
Can happen when opening HydraLIST or Head Selector
Trying to open a HydraLIST file directly from a zip file
Caused by a folder being set to "read only", usually when the install was run from a CD, not from a hard drive
In windows explorer right click on the HES folder and pick properties. Uncheck Read only and apply to all folders, subfolders and files.
In Windows 7 because user does not have Administrator rights.
In Windows 7 let the program close. You will then be asked if you want to run it as an admin, say yes. It will work now.
Opening files stored on a network drive and the drive is read only. or Head Selector. Runtime error 3051
In windows explorer right click on the folders that have the hlf files and pick properties. Uncheck Read only and apply to all folders, subfolders and files.