Hydratec Inc.

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Standalone HydraLIST (Location)

Button: Test Point Error Type: Runtime Error


Some application unistalled or delete miscrosfot jet files form the computer. Most if not all of the files listed below are missing from either the windows/system32 folder or the program file/common/miscrosoft shared/dao folder DAO350.dll ExpSrv.dll MSJet35.dll MSJInt35.dll MSJtEr35.dll MSRepl35.dll MSRD2x35.dll MSVCRT40.dll VB5DB.dll VBAJet32.dll Runtime error 3633, 3633



Runtime Error 3633 "missing file msjet32.dll"


It's possible that installing the Microsoft Jet 3.5 service pack may resolve this problem. PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS MADE AVAILABLE BY MICROSOFT http://support.microsoft.com/kb/172733 (download and install Jet35sp3.exe) OR reinstall HydraLIST

Updated: Sept. 16, 2022, 1:04 a.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight