Hydratec Inc.

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AutoCAD Based HydraCALC (Ribbon/Toolbar/Location)

Button: Print Final


No error, however the Flow Summary for any sprinklers using equivalent K factors show a flow of 0.0 and a node type of 0 HydraCALC v50.3.50 zero flow 0 flow no flow 0.0 flow Discharge n/a HydraVIEW



Although HydraVIEW accounts for the Equivalent Ks in the Print Sheets, it doesn't report/remember those values in the Flow Summary. This only happens when there a combination of a pump as a water supply plus the user is using equivalent Ks *UPDATE* see below and please let us know if it solved the problem.


Although the results in the Calculation Sheets are correct, the zero flows for the sprinkler heads may be 'distracting' to AHJs. The only solution for now is to NOT use equivalent Ks in your calcs which use pumps. You'll have to enter the flowing sprinklers (K-factor/density/area/pressure) in the main input tab of HydraCALC. [GAB 8/06/15] *UPDATE 2* As far as we can tell, this is now fixed in v50.52.1 [GAB 6/19/17] *UPDATE* If the calc file is saved on a network or drive other than the drive where your HydraCALC program is located, copy the .WXF file from the network drive to that drive and see if it makes a difference. Please let george@hydracad.com know if this solved your issue. [GAB 3/09/17]

Updated: Sept. 19, 2022, 6:19 a.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight