Hydratec Inc.

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Standalone HydraCALC (Location)

Button: Print Final Function: Print Error Type: Runtime Error


When closing HydraVIEW, you get a run-time error 380 (see solution #1)

Invalid property value



Although your HydraVIEW current printer is set to a legitimate printer, the Windows default printer may be set to an unavailable printer


Changing your Windows default printer to 'Microsoft Print to PDF' and change the HydraVIEW printer to the same one. 


Once it works, try to reset your Windows and HydraLIST printers to what you need.   Thanks Ed P.


System.ini got blanked out - all markers are there but not data


Replace or add data to system.ini HES\Common\Ver50




Renaming the C:\HES\HydraCALC to \HydraCALC_OLD folder then running the HydraCALC full install fixed the problem.


The reason the folder is renamed is because you want the install to rebuild the folder from the ground up.  Sometimes, if the folder and files already exist, the install will not completely overwrite ALL the files, only some.


Renaming the folder (not deleting it) preserves your existing files, like a custom cover sheet logo and its related files in the newly renamed folder.  You'll still have to move them over to the new \HydraCALC folder though

-Thanks Mark K

Updated: Nov. 30, 2022, 6:15 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight