Hydratec Inc.

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Standalone HydraCALC (Location)

Button: Print Final Error Type: Runtime Error


Runtime Error 76 Runtime Error 52 Runtime 76 or 52



1. Usually Win 7/64 machine - has missing entry in HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Wow6432Node\Hydratec\Ver50 2. Wrong drive letter in USER.INI in Hes\common\ver50


1. Add entry InstallPath and within that add the drive installed to ie C: HydraView 50.2.58 will fix if install is on C:, but it is a "work-around" NOT a solution 2. Open user.ini with notepad, it is in \HES\Common\Ver50. In the file add or edit the drive letter from the first four items so that the drive matches the drive HydraCalc is installed on. Default when installing is drive C.

Updated: Sept. 19, 2023, 2:29 p.m. Created: March 1, 2019, midnight